Twisted Hawaiian Bread Roll

Twisted Hawaiian Bread Roll

  • Shuptrine's Twisted Chow-Chow (hot or mild)
  • Hawaiian Bread Rolls (separate or large one)
  • 3/4 stick of butter
  • 1 T Worcestershire Sauce
  • 1 t onion Powder
  • 2 T Dijon Mustard
  • 1 T poppy seeds
  • Black Forest Ham or Sugar Maple Ham 
  • Swiss Cheese
In bowl: Melt butter and add Worcestershire sauce, onion powder, Dijon Mustard, and poppy seeds. Cut rolls in half, removing top from bottom. Add several slices of ham and several slices of Swiss cheese  Arrange ham and cheese on the rolls. Place top of roll on. With fork, poke fork holes here and there on the top of the bread. After poking holes, put your rolls in a shallow baking dish, THEN pour mustard mixture over bread. Pop in oven for 20-25 min till Swiss is bubbly. Take out of oven, slice – add your Shuptrine’s Twisted Chow-Chow on top of cheese, under bread. Let sit for 5 min. Serve! Yum Yum!!
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